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Pismo slovenske EPP delegacije v Evropskem parlamentu g. Jean-Claude Junckerju

V nadaljevanju v celoti objavljamo pismo, ki so ga slovenski EPP poslanci v Evropskem parlamentu danes poslali predsedniku Evropske komisije g. Jean-Claude Junckerju.

Dear President-elect of the European Commission Mr Jean-Claude Juncker,

As you may know, Slovenian Government in resignation yesterday nominated three candidates for the European Commission. As a Slovenian EPP delegation in the European parliament that won 62,5 % of the Slovenian seats in the EP, we would like to share with you our concerns on the process of nominating the Slovenian Commissioner.  

Prime minister Alenka Bratušek nominated herself, Tanja Fajon (S&D) and Karel Erjavec (Pensioner’s’ Party) for the Slovenian European Commissioner. Bratušek’s efforts as a PM were in the last two months focused exclusively on becoming a commissioner. Last week her proposal to the coalition partners was to nominate her as the only candidate. However her proposal didn’t get the support and because of the public outrage caused by this unhygienic proposal she had to finally nominate herself with two other candidates.

Allow us to add that the government coalition partners didn’t even had the chance to vote on the proposal, because Bratušek merely noted her partners of the decision she made. Some of the coalition partners left the government meeting because of their disagreements with the process of nomination. Others, for example DeSUS, didn’t even come to the meeting where this important decision was made.

We regret that government didn’t recognize the post as important as European Commissioner to be a matter of national interest and didn’t propose a single candidate of the political option that convincingly won the European elections, nor did PM Bratušek listen to the winner of the parliamentary elections. That would contribute to greater democratic legitimacy of our future Commissioner. The list of candidates now consists of the losers of last elections. All three candidates together got a total of 20,2 % of the votes (Bratušek 4 %); on the other hand the EPP parties in the EP elections got 5 out of 8 seats in the EP.

The Slovenian EPP delegation in the European Parliament also regrets that the list of candidates for the Slovenian European Commissioner consists of mainly Euro-sceptic candidates and contributes to further political polarisation in Slovenia.

Slovenia deserves a capable pro-European commissioner that will enjoy a broad support among the Slovenian citizens. In this regard we remain open for any further consideration.

Allow us also to wish you best of luck in assembling the Commission.

With kind regards,

Dr. Milan Zver, SDS (Slovenian Democratic Party/EPP)

Alojz Peterle, NSi (New Slovenia/EPP)

Franc Bogovič, SLS (Slovenian People’s Party/EPP)

Romana Tomc, SDS (Slovenian Democratic Party/EPP)

Patricija Šulin (Slovenian Democratic Party/EPP)