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Poslanci ELS skupine iz vrst SDS smo proti evropskim subvencijam za bikoborbe

Objavljamo sporočilo za javnost:  Poslanci ELS skupine iz vrst SDS smo proti evropskim subvencijam za bikoborbe

Evropski poslanci iz vrst Slovenske demokratske stranke smo na plenarnem zasedanju v Strasbourgu v sredo 22. oktobra v obilici glasovanj spregledali amandma Zelenih, ki zahteva umik evropskih subvencij za vzrejo bikov za bikoborbe.

Danes popoldne smo pri ustreznih službah Evropskega parlamenta oddali popravek, s katerim spreminjamo naše glasovanje ter se tako pridružujemo tistim poslancem, ki želijo ukiniti evropske subvencije za vzrejo bikov za bikoborbe.

Potrdila o spremembi glasovanja so spodaj,

S spoštovanjem,

Milan Zver

Romana Tomc

Patricija Šulin



From: <>
Date: 24. oktober 2014 15:25:55 GMT+2
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: SCE(FCEN) - Corrections to roll-call votes
Your roll-call vote correction concerns:
Report/resolution number:
Title of report/resolution:
Report on the Council position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015
Date of sitting:
Exact subject of vote:
Amendment 12
Intended vote:
Request made by TOMC Romana


From: ZVER Milan
Sent: 24 October 2014 16:34
To: Séance, Correction de vote
Cc: ZVER Milan
Subject: SCE(FCEN) - Corrections to roll-call votes
Your roll-call vote correction concerns:
Report/resolution number:
Title of report/resolution:
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015 - all sections
Date of sitting:
Exact subject of vote:
A8-0014/12 - Rubial, Hohlmeier - Amendment 12 (against financing of bullfighting)
Intended vote:
Request made by ZVER Milan


From: SULIN Patricija
Sent: 24 October 2014 19:49
To: Séance, Correction de vote
Cc: SULIN Patricija
Subject: SCE(FCEN) - Corrections to roll-call votes
Your roll-call vote correction concerns:
Report/resolution number:
Title of report/resolution:
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015 - all sections
Date of sitting:
Exact subject of vote:
A8-0014/12 - Rubial, Hohlmeier - Amendment 12 (against financing of bullfighting)
Intended vote:
Request made by SULIN Patricija